
What is Astrology?

Astrology is the study of the stars and planets and how they affect human life. Zodiac signs represent different aspects of someone’s personality and emotions. Astrology looks at the positions of celestial bodies at the time of someone’s birth to determine their character, personality traits, relationships, and auspicious times of their life. Astrology is a form of divination.

How Astro Club can Solve Your Problem With Astrology?

Astrology can provide solutions to various problems that people face in their lives. It can help with issues related to relationships, finance, and family. Astrology can also be used to gain insight into an individual’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, natural tendencies, and potential. It can also be used to make predictions about the future.

Astrology can help reduce stress by identifying and mitigating the stresses affecting an individual. It can also be used for self-awareness and personal growth. Astrology can aid in decision-making, such as when to get married or change careers. It can also help individuals understand their own skills and abilities and what kinds of jobs would be best suited to them.

Want to solve your problems with Astrology?


Tarot Card Reading — one question ₹400
Tarot Card Reading — one question + with remedy ₹ 900
Vedic Numerology
2 years prediction + with remedy ₹1500
5 years prediction + with remedy ₹ 3000
10 years prediction + with remedy ₹ 4500
15 years prediction + with remedy ₹ 7000
Reiki — consultant charge ₹400
Then as per the problem wise charge

Disclaimer: Prediction or Remedy may differ according to the subject, place and time. Accuracy of prediction will depend on the perfection of the exact Birth Time or the physical structure of the palm.

More Services

Tarot Card Reading

Tap into the mystical realm for guidance and clarity.
reiki healing service

Reiki Healing

Awaken your body, mind, and soul with the power of Reiki.

Vastu Consultation

Unlock insights about yourself with palm reading now!

Vedic Numerology

Discover your destiny with Numerology today!